System | Super Famicom (SNES) |
Developer | Wolf Team |
Release Date | December 15, 1995 |
Buy it? | Ebay |
Misc | 48mb cartridge! :o |
USA Release | n/a |
This is the miracle that
started the series! The SNES/SFC version has beautiful graphics, wonderful
gameplay, and an awsome story, and the PSX version is majorly improved in
all aspects. Neither existing version has had a US release, but the SNES/SFC
version has been translated (rather loosely, but it was nice of them anyway)
by DeJap.
The story of
the game follows Cless on his quest for revenge against the man who destroyed
his hometown and family in the typical RPG fashion, but don't expect a cliched
plot, because the villian doesn't have typical RPG motives. Cless travels
with Chester, a friend from the same aformentioned hometown; Mint, a healer
whose mother was killed; Klarth, a summoner who wants to learn about and
protect magic; and Arche, the pink-haired half-elf mage who's famous for getting
drunk in that one scene....
For a SNES game,
the original Tales of Phantasia was very advanced. There were very few 48mb
cartridges besides this one. This game has voice clips for the skill names
and a couple of cutscene events, along with a fully vocalized intro song
called Yume wa Owaranai ~Koboreochiru Toki no Shizuki~ ("Dreams
do not End ~Splatter Drops of Time~"), which is sung by J-pop artist Yukari
Yoshida. The battle system is comparable to a fighting game. You control
Cless manually, while the other characters act automatically unless you give
them special commands.
-Cless Alvein
-Mint Adnade
-Chester Barklight
-Klarth F. Lester
-Arche Klaine
-Suzu Fujibayashi
-Cless-The cover of the
manual, unless I'm mistaken.
-Mint-Mint character
design picture
-Chester-Chester character
design picture
->Arche-Shot of Arche
from the ToP PSX anime opening.
-Klarth-Shot of Klarth
from the ToP PSX anime opening.
-Suzu-Shot of Suzu from
the ToP PSX anime opening.
-Tornix-Little chatacter art
-Chester-Shot of Chester
from the ToP PSX anime opening.
-Dhaos-Shot of Dhaos
from the ToP PSX anime opening.
-Cless, Mint, Arche, Sleipnir-The pic used
on the SFC and GBA version box
-Cless, Mint, Arche-Commonly seen
after PSX version release
-Cless and Mint-Picture from the
ToP PSX ending anime
-Dhaos-Picture from the
ToP PSX ending anime
-Dhaos-Little character art
SFC version screenshots
-Down with Demitel- My strategy for defeating
Demitel/Demeter in the SFC version. Works at lv 13+
-Abyss of Thor- Screenshots of Thor
pasted together (by me).
-Church of Fenrir- Screenshots of Freezekill
church pasted together (by me, I did a bad job).
-Village of "Japon"- Screenshots of Japon
pasted together (by me).
-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- Battle backdrops and
other editted screens from the SFC version (by me too)