How to Combine Costumes
by cyllya
Make sure you have
the costumes you want to combine. (This is a shop screen.) You can't use
a costume in a combo while you're wearing it. -_^ Take it off first. |
Talk to the combination
person. (Who it is depends on the Time Period) |
Select option #1 |
It takes you to a
screen with a list of the costumes you can use to combine. (If a certain
costume hasn't been mastered by at least one character, it won't be on
the list.) Select the first costume you want in the combo. I'm selecting
Minarai Kenshi (Squire). After selecting the first Squire, it shows it
at the top. Select the second costume, which is another Squire in this
example.... |
It switches to a new
list after selecting the second costume. It now shows the all possible
combinations of the two costumes you selected. For Squire + Squire, there's
Kenshi (Knight), Kakutouka (Fighter), Mahou Tsukai (Magician), Healer,
and Hunter. The last four can be bought at the shop, so don't use the combo
for them. Get a Kenshi, and note that the combo will cost you 175 Gald.
Make a note of the characters'
sprites up there. If the green circle is flashing over them, they'll be
able to wear the costume your curser is over. If there's a red X, then
the character hasn't met the costume's requirements and won't be able to
wear it. The Kenshi requires that the Minarai Kenshi has been mastered
and the character has 4 L-EXP. (See below for L-EXP info.) Say Mel hasn't
mastered the Minarai Kenshi; she won't be able to wear the Kenshi costume.
If the character doesn't
have anything over him/her, and his/her eyes are close (like Kururu always
is), then the character won't be able to wear the costume no matter what.
(Dio isn't going to wear the Priestess costume. -_^) |
It takes you to a new screen
after selecting the combo, which shows Dio's stats with the combo costume
compared to whatever he's already wearing. Push A to confirm the purchase
of the combo, or B to decline. (Select "Mel o miru" to see the combo costume's
effect on Mel's stats.)
If the character has a red
X, it'll tell you here what requirements are needed for the costume.
The stats on the right are:
Speed |
You're done! |
L-EXP is how I abbreviate
Life Experience (jinseikeiken). Life Experience is the number of costumes
the character has mastered. To see how much L-EXP the character has, go
into his/her status screen. Look for the number on the right side below
his/her picture, above the CP. In the Narikiri Zukan (or in the screens
above where it shows Mel and Dio's stats), the L-EXP is the number at the